Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I first heard Slipknot when I was a child and I would play old wrestling games.  The game was blasting the music all the time so I couldn't avoid it.
I didn't really like it at first because I didn't understand it. I would always question it every time it came on. What made me like it is further understanding not just them but metal in general and how it can force out emotions from people.

I listen to all types of music, mostly found through YouTube’s and friend’s recommendations. I don't just stop at Rock or metal, I like all genres and it's difficult to categorize the kind of music I specifically listen to. 

I consider myself a serious and a general fan of music and Slipknot in general because I take the time out of my day to not just pay attention to the music but the artists as well. Knowing that, I still can be detached from the music depending on if the artist or artists intrigued me emotionally.

Slipknot makes me happy because I feel a certain energy coming from music and it forces emotions out of me faster than anything else I listen to. Whenever I would feel sad or even depressed, it would turn it into anger which made it easier to adjust to happiness.

My friends are all hip hop and rap fans and they hate some of the music I listen to. I tried to get them into it but they didn't like it which is unfortunate considering Slipknot are still active and I follow them a lot through their old and new music.
I see myself as a fan of their music and them in general because their music fits their personalities and their designs.

Slipknot are in my top favorites along with XXXTENTACION and Aimer.
Their strengths are lyrics, Melody, and Voice in general. Chorus and Breakdowns are my favorite parts of their songs.  Their weakness would be how sometimes things just come out instead of flow. The flow comes out on the bridge or the breakdown.  But It doesn't affect my enjoyment.
